Being salt of the earth isn’t just a call to avoid being bland; however, that’s definitely something to avoid. ;) Being salty means so much more, but here’s a couple of high points that stand out to me.

Salt is and has been used for ages as a preserver. 

Margaret Feinberg’s description says it perfectly. She wrote an article called ‘The Jeweled Symbolism of Salt in Scripture’ and she said"God has placed us in this culture, in this time, in this moment, in this slice of history, to preserve the ways, the teachings, the life, the power, and the presence of Christ." It reminds me of the disciples duty years ago to courageously spread the Good News. Stop and think about it, we are just as human as they were, and yes, we live in a MUCH different time, but we too are called in serving the same purpose, in the way and responsibility of keeping the Word spread and the Truth known. The duties they served in preserving the story, the facts, the love Christ put on display and taught…that is the duty extended to you and I today, to pass on to future generations, just like the ones who have gone before us. 

Another thing she said that I really liked was the suggestion that salt does in fact add flavor, and that "our purpose is to bring the taste of Heaven to earth wherever we go." I LOVE that. She added, "Just as salt brings out the best in food, so too, Christ brings out the best in us as others experience the flavor of Christ through us."

Here’s where we ask ourselves , are we "enhancing" the people God has placed on our path? Are we preserving the Gospel and the love of God in this specific time that you and I were distinctly made for? Are we serving a flavorful, preserving salty helping to other living souls, enhancing the lives of others and serving in the way we live? 

I wish I could say I always did, but I don’t. That being said, I can say that I aspire to be a more salty servant in my days ahead, so feel free to join and abstain from being bland and let’….SALTY! 

Kristen McCain