soulful roots

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anything fear can do, God can do better

It’s safe to say fear is (still) one hot topic in today’s world and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. For a lot of us, fear barrels in when things are out of our control…and feeling much control, if any, seems rare these days, as there is more unknown, more doubt, more confusion and so much uncertainty with about every breath we take. All these things and much more can undeniably open the door for fear as we all know. 

One certainty we can be sure of, however, is God’s promises to us. This is one of those statements that never gets the credit it’s due because it’s said SOOooo much, but here’s the defining moment of fighting fear.

Do we really, truly believe and do we trust that certainty?  If we know and trust God in ALL things, it helps us to be released from that need to be in control, and to release every single part of our life to Him. We can rest in this temporary life more gladly, acknowledging that every day is a GIFT🙏🏻, while remembering it doesn’t even compare to the goodness that awaits. Referring back to certainty, in Luke 1:1-4, Luke reminds Theophilus of this "certainty" saying, "that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed.” Luke‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

One of the first instructions that comes to my mind is when God instructed us not to fear, because He graciously reassured us with such powerful, bold words, like in 2 Timothy, where it says, “He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, and LOVE, and a SOUND MIND.”

I love reflecting back on the heroic stories where God saves the day in BIG ways. And I trust He will do that again in the way He sees best. I admit that sometimes when I get overwhelmed at the darkness in this world and feel like the devil is winning, I have to do a spirit check to point out to my weak, human flesh, at not only how foolish that is, but that, is in fact, impossible for satan to hold a candle to the power of God when we put our lives in God’s hands. The devil only wins when we allow him to and we can allow him to a lot if we’re not careful. The thing is, our fear isn’t helping or serving anyone, it isn’t life giving, instead, it’s life taking and my friends, that is not what God made us for. 

In case you need a reminder today, remember the time God met the Israelites at the Red Sea, or the time he met Daniel in the lions den, or when He met Joseph falsely accused and in prison.

God has a curious habit, as a man named John Acuff wisely put it, in showing up in the midst of trouble, not the absence.  

I am so grateful we have a great God Who sees us and hears us, and Who doesn’t waste pain…Who transforms fear into confidence and into peace.  

The next time you see a threat to our country, a headline that rocks your world, an empty shelf at the grocery store, all ya gotta do is start singing! (yep)

Anything fear can do,

God can do better

God can do anything

better than you!🙌🏻

[…and now you’ll catch it stuck in your head on repeat. You’re welcome.]