soulful roots

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light lovin' soul

Experiencing light filled souls ALWAYS brightens my day. It’s a firm guarantee to make me smile.

I try to be intentional in being a light to others that God chooses to cross my path with, but sometimes, little moments become mountains of distraction, stress, and demands, and before I know it, my light just isn’t burning so bright anymore. More times than not; however, I am humbled and blessed by someone who’s light manages to revive my own, hence, my love for those light shining souls. ;)

Sometimes it’s the littlest things, like literally a simple smile and a wave when traffic is backed up and they let you pass through. Or when 2 gorgeous college girls stop you in the middle of Sprouts to tell you what an amazing job you’re doing as a mom. Then, they go the extra mile and ask if they can pray for you and you end up totally connecting through your love for your Creator, but have to cut it short; even so, you leave feeling absolutely seen and amazed, completely recognizing that divine appointment and shining a little bit brighter than when you got there. Or when your son is behind the checkout counter and before you can stop him, he’s hugging the cashier (in the middle of a no touch, don’t breath within 6 feet of each other pandemic) but you see the cashier’s indifferent, non personable demeanor just melt away and hug him back with full embrace, leaving their light all but dull.

I’ve noticed that people’s lights usually shine the brightest when things are said or done that take a little courage, and may be out of the box in an ordinary, everyday kind of day. But no matter how big or small, it’s the heart behind it that says it all.  That’s when the impact, in my experience, is most memorable and moving. Our human side screams for self-seeking, personal agenda, but that mindset will suffocate our flame fast if we stay there. 

I wasn’t planning on doing this but I gotta share. I have the privilege of living with 2 amazing kiddos who shine their lights so bright in their own unique ways. Our daughter shines her light so tenderly with her gift of grace and seeing people who aren’t always seen, or someone who may even be left out. God’s purpose for her life continues to unfold so beautifully and there’s just so much we get to witness that makes her dad and I wonder why we were ever chosen to be her parents. Proof God gives us more than we deserve. We have watched Him shift our families whole life in a way that we never could’ve imagined, but in doing so we’ve experienced such sweet blessings we couldn’t have ever seen coming. We watch her serve the Kingdom through her role as a big sister to her little brother, on the court when she hugs and compliments her biggest competitor after the game (that may or may not have rejected her every time she tried to help them up and may have left her with a bloody gash across her neck), or on the stage at church when she pushes past her fears to sing in the worship team. She makes herself available and I love that.

As for “the little brother”, you mash up the most patriotic, Santa happy, Dennis the menace, animated, Jesus lovin’ soul and you get our son. He shines with a love and light that radiates something fierce. We have had the blessing of watching him literally love complete strangers and meet new friends, his whole life. It makes for many delays and so much patience I‘ve gotta admit, but, never, do I leave sorry. There is absolutely no discrimination to who he will pick to be his new friend that day. I usually get a heads up at least, when I see those sweet brown eyes get locked on someone. Sometimes, it’s a less fortunate older lady surviving on very little and bound to her wheelchair, or a quiet sad looking man with missing teeth ringing the Salvation Army bell, or a college aged girl probably on her 2nd shift that he insists needs some candy as she’s checking us out, so we buy her some. Or the “freedom man” (aka soldier) we are stalking down to make sure Ross can thank him or her for their service. We’ve even had to drive all the way across town to buy the assistant helping us at the eye doctors office a small, personal cake of her very own because she “really needed” it. So we did. And she LOVED it. The smiles I have witnessed because of his light beaming warms my heart just as much as the time before. It never gets old. And I hope it never stops. His bold love humbles and inspires my husband, our daughter and I to keep rolling with it and it keeps us abundantly thankful God chose us to be his family. The journey is exciting, messy, humbling(not everyone understands or agrees with talking to strangers🤷🏼‍♀️), challenging, scary sometimes, but oh so blessed.

While we are all just trying to survive some days, may we take little moments to make the world a better place and love without reservation. It’s fun. And it’s a little reckless. And I think God loves it.