soulful roots

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with prayer and thanksgiving...

This year as I reflect back, the emotions that surface compared to years past are so numerous and diverse that it makes the grandest variety of charcuterie boards look like an elementary cafeteria tray. My sister and I were doing some grocery shopping and came upon something new that gave us a good laugh. There were these new coffee bombs with 3 different options to choose from…1 for focus, 1 for balance, and last but not least, the one that guaranteed to bring happiness. Those were nearly cleared off the shelf!

Of course they were…it’s 2020.

In spite of the past year that threw curve ball after curve ball, I’m reflecting today on how grateful I am to be sitting here with my family, with a roof over my head and full bellies, with sweet memories with some of the best friends and family a person could ask for, and a renewed vision of life and what’s REALLY most important.

Not only was 2020 consumed with Covid and election angst, we also dealt with a health scare in our own family of a different nature for a couple of days that felt like months stretched out, and made the future suddenly look scary and a little blurry. We count ourselves abundantly blessed and honestly unworthy of the mercy and grace God has given us... we praised Him then and we praise Him now.

If 2020 taught us anything, it reminded us that control only lies in God’s hands and that literally every breath we take is a gift of grace that we don’t deserve. I’m so thankful this Thanksgiving for God’s goodness, grace and strength that sustains us through uncertainty in life; for the promise of heaven and the joys of friendship, family and laughter in the meantime, and for the hope we have in Jesus. Today we live, giving thanks and praying God’s peace and goodness be upon every one of you today and in the days to come!

With lots of love-The McCain family