soulful roots

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this too shall pass

Well, considering quite some time has passed since my last share here, our recent adversities have been comforted and somewhat dissolved with the reminder, “this too shall pass,” so I felt inspired to pass on that encouragement to whoever needs it.

I write this with so many precious people currently on my heart that are going through a mulititude of trials, from miserable stomach bugs to uninvited breast cancer. From a longing for lost loved ones, to more momentary trials that feel just as conflicting, like school age hurts and heartaches. From feeling a little shaky or unsure of what the future holds, and so much more. These hard times are just that…HARD. They naturally seem to produce negativity in our hearts and minds, manifesting discouraging, fearful, tiring, anxious feelings attached to whatever that “thing” is.

For us personally and more specifically, my kids recently dealt with the dreaded stomach bug. My daughter is old enough to go through the motions more independently and graciously, not wanting to burden anyone, and understanding this will end at some point. My son on the other hand, still feels like it’s a fast track to heaven…and he was ready! “Lord, please just take me home with you.” “Jesus, I don’t ever want to be sick again, please Lord, just take me home!” His sickness was the fierce, couldn’t hardly recover before it hit again sickness, that lasted for hours. And we are very much alike in the way, that heaven on a normal day is appealing, but when your physical body is suffering at this level, the appeal takes on an even greater desire to actually experience an eternal place of perfection, with the guarantee of never suffering in this way again.

But, in the midst of my son’s suffering, I tried comforting and consoling him in whatever way possible, by rubbing his back and reassuring him that “this too shall pass.” With red, heavy, watery eyes, he raised his head to look at me and asked, “ What does that mean?” I shared how our trials in life are only temporary, and that they don’t last forever, even if it feels like forever. I reminded him that there is a lot of good that God still has in store, and not to lose heart…this too shall pass. I didn’t realize what comfort that would bring to him at the time, but for the next 10 hours, he consistently asked me to “say it again.” So, I’d say it again, “This too shall pass, it’s not gonna last forever.” “This too shall pass.” He’d finally show signs of drifting into a deep, yet short-lived slumber, and just as I’d start to doze off, I’d hear, “say it again.”

I’m happy to say that by the grace of God, that terrible sickness did pass. So, for the big things and the small things in this life that keep us binded up, grabbing all of our discouragement or worry or need for control, this is a reminder that our pain will not be wasted, our purpose can be bigger than our pain if we allow it, and by the grace of God, whatever that thing is, it too shall pass. It may pass in a few hours or it may be the moment we meet our Father, but we can be assured that it will not last forever. The sun will rise again and the Lord will still reign, so with a little readjustment of the lense, we can be sure to see brighter days ahead.