HaPPy New Year!!!

Photo by marrio31/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by marrio31/iStock / Getty Images

Happy NEW Year!

I think it’s interesting how much a new year can bring. 

I mean, we all know this past year has been a lot like a bad dream blended with a few speckles of blessings and heavy lessons. While one day to the next seems a little ordinary, for some reason the idea of starting a new year seems to make all the difference. I guess it’s because it’s untouched, untarnished ground that provides a fresh, new HOPE.  

Corinthians 4:16-17 says, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. " There is something about starting a new year that I see bringing this kind of new hope and relief to everyone around me. While we can only hope 2021 is a distant contrast to much of 2020, I’m going to take a little bit different path...far from ideal but considerable to say the least.  

What if 2021 isn’t better? I don’t blame you for stopping right here because the thought seems insufferable. This is where I personally feel God talking to me and I wanted to share for those still with me.

I had to ask myself about Gods promises as we get closer to Christ’s return and remind myself of His truth. Did you know 23 out of 27 books in the New Testament mention Christ’s return? It’s important for me to keep perspective and for my hope to remain in God and my eternal hope when all things seem lost. 

Romans 15:13 says "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

I made a video of some of the highlights from 2020 and can I just say, I HIGHLY recommend everyone stopping and doing that, especially if you are a picture taker like me! Never enough storage (js🤷🏼‍♀️) but it was like unwrapping a gift and it humbled me at some of the most abundant blessings God allowed me to experience with family and friends; with His movement in my life and through fostered growth on our worship team; with the experiences of watching Ross make more "new friends" and being humbled by the goodness in people; in spontaneous make shift offices in the middle of a wheat field during quarantine; in waking up before the sun to see the sun rise with my family and some gooey fresh cinnamon rolls; in simply hugging my loved ones; in living through 3 months of construction and appreciating a kitchen sink and white dust messages more than I could’ve ever imagined; enjoying peaceful sunset bike rides; watching our daughter transform more and more into an incredible young woman and watching her reach new milestones like going with friends to prom and driving; sadly but gratefully sending loved ones onto heaven free from sickness and pain anticipating our reunion someday....and so much more. 

2020 has been a gift of humility in loosening my grip on how I would prefer things go and trusting God even more with every part of my space, my heart, my loved ones, my disappointments, my frustrations, my confusion and fear, and about 1001 more things. I am so incredibly thankful for His compassion and His NEW mercies EVERY morning. Not every YEAR  but every single DAY. He’s always present,  solid as a rock, and all powerful, but in the most gentle of ways not forcing it upon us but providing it without fail when we give our world to Him. 

So while I am human and can;t deny the fear that my flesh feels sometimes, I encourage us all to see through the distractions the world can sometimes bring to the hope and comfort we’ve been given through Jesus, to make each day a new day in your mind, with no attachments to whatever bad took place the days, weeks, or months before, aaand to take a lot of pictures to reflect back on all the blessings that may slip your mind overtime. ;) May we see the beauty from the ashes and remember to make God’s voice the loudest!

Prayers for a joyful year ahead full of hope and loads of deep, rooted love! 

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