YAHWEH always

So this, my friends, has been a project that has truly had me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Have you ever just jumped into something head first without seeing, or even beginning to understand the full scope of what significance it would bear…or what it would transform into? This, is definitely one of those.

hope in our despair

a lesson from Job…

 First of all, I love the universal expressions and terminology different cultures and parts of the world use to connect to God, or to refer to God. I am not claiming to know even a decent amount of what I could, or should know, but what I do know is when you hear God, Lord, Yahweh, Abba, Father, Messiah and so on, it’s generally understood in just about any and all languages…it’s global! Not to mention, the POWER God’s name(s) contains! And of course it would. As my husband mentioned and reminded me about the verse in John, where it says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”… it just speaks to the power of Who He is, and that of course, His name alone should hold divine power.  

 For instance, the story of the lame man, in Acts 3:1-10, who hadn’t walked a day in his life, but was suddenly made to walk, all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I love where Peter said he didn’t have any silver or gold to give, but went on to say, “what I do have, I give to you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!”  Ummm, I’ll take that over silver and gold any day!  

I realize this may be getting deep here, but I feel like it’s kinda crucial to recognize Jesus the Son, God the Father & the Holy Spirit being the Trinity…being ONE, and understanding that power emerges, if you will, through them all.

 Unfortunately though, there are a multitude of times when the miracles don’t seem to fall. In contrast, the suffering, confusion, discouragement and unexplainable loss just leave us in despair and asking why.

 If you’ve never heard or read for yourself the story of Job, please stop wasting your time on this mess and go read that! Seriously. God has had me on a perplexing but oddly comforting journey with Job the last few weeks and it’s just been popping up everywhere. Like, random podcasts, bible studies, casual Pinterest pages I just came upon, and a song that YOU.MUST.HEAR. by Shane & Shane called ‘You Slay Me’. [see link below] (and I highly suggest reading and trying to visualize yourself in Job’s story before listening to the song to really grasp and connect to what it’s referring to, but even if you don’t, I’m certain you will still relate.)

And here’s the truth, I have heard the summed up story of Job more times than I can count, and I’ve even read bits and pieces, but never, until about 2 weeks ago with my daughter, Avery, had I ever read the whole story for myself! And, not that it wouldn’t have benefited me long before now, but I’m a big believer in God’s timing on things, and it’s just fitting that I was able to really experience it for myself through this whole process.

Simply put, there aren’t words when you put yourself in his place. The suffering Job experienced was far greater than anything I’ve ever come close to experiencing, but considering the fallen world we live in and the natural longing our souls have for something greater, I feel we can all relate at some level. Job’s pain and trials were so heavy and so harsh. He endured a kind of suffering that would’ve no doubt had the world today grilling God for allowing such agony, and if we were honest, would’ve surely consumed us with darkness and doubt.

Through it all though, Job inspires me to never lose sight of God, in spite of whatever heartache, whatever loss or adversity may, and eventually will, come my way. And I have witnessed a LOT of loss and suffering lately, but, may we be reminded that whatever we see as useless pain, God will not waste and He promises to use…and not just use, but use for good.  May we never lose hope in knowing that our perfect, holy, powerful Lord & Yahweh ALWAYS meets us in our joys and in our sorrows.