His Word Never Returns Void#thankful

all scripture is breathed out by god

This shirt was totally inspired by one of those sweet, wise Godly friends that I’ve been better for knowing, and I can humbly say, it’s one of several in my circle that God has blessed me big with!! The kind of friends that make me better and that strengthen my soul! Some are even more like family than they’ll ever be friends. #thankfulnumber1

So this particular friend and I recently had a conversation not too long ago about this very thing…about the way we were equally astonished by the way God’s Word continues to work; to correct; to bring joy; to counsel; to guide; to comfort…and it’s NEVER ENDING…and even more incredible are the times it circles back around. We had both been witness to different situations where the return of God’s Word was so evident in some extremely tough circumstances. When these situations could’ve delivered anything but hope; yet, hope is exactly what kept them going, and furthermore, a display of peace that screamed divine.  

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Something most of us already know or have heard at the least, is that the context of His Word still applies TODAY. Isaiah 40:8 says, “ The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” FOREVER. If we could only begin to comprehend this but more importantly, actually believe it. And not only that it is true and applicable, but that everything in the Word is absolute truth. I cannot stress or begin to process the power it contains. My human, finite mind can’t even. Speaking of my mind, I love the quote, “Fill your mind with God’s Word and you will have no room for satan’s lies.” Working on that one. (like all the time)

The endless ways God speaks to each and every one of us through his Word on any given day, in addition to the way it can carry so many different meanings, is a testament in itself. My personal story of this, that I will go into detail later in another post, is all the evidence I need! If we can overcome the things we don’t understand and we allow God to speak to us through His Word, the relationship just gets better from there, because, what seemed like a “surfaced” relationship suddenly just got very personal.

It seems God’s Word is the only tangible thing we really have in our relationship with Him, and one thing I’ve learned, is while I may not have the exact book, chapter, or verse memorized word for word, well, the good Lord provides and the words, the lesson, and/or the promise still manages to surface at just the right time. #thankfulagain

God’s Word never fails…unless you fail to believe….jpeg

His word will accomplish his desire and achieve the purpose he sent it for.

 To sum it up, the Word has been and still is a great source and connection to God, and the wisdom we can gain is as eternal as our promised eternity. As the holidays approach, I wanted to design a shirt that was an expression of what I am thankful for this year, but since the blessings go far beyond the amount of space a shirt can provide, I had to pick one, and this seemed to rank at the top of the list. I am SO thankful the Bible isn’t just a book of stories, as interesting as it would be, but is alive and active; that the Bible isn’t empty of God’s power but is a full display of God’s power. May you be wrapped up, reminded and encouraged by God’s Word and feel His presence personally, and my prayer is that while my memory may fail, my heart will still feel and His Word will forever be in my heart.

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