Disclaimer: This blog post has been rewritten in my head about 30 different ways and I’ve had a lot of time to write, so please forgive me if I’m all over the board with this one. 

There are so many paths this message could travel, and to be honest, I’ve visited somewhere new just about every day the last few weeks...some breathtakingly beautiful, some dark and deserted. The natural way to steer this post was towards the pandemic, but my spirit led me out of my comfort zone to share one of my own personal problems instead.  Yaay...

An important thing to mention first off though, was a long overdue, but spot on, conversation I had on the phone a couple of weeks ago, with a soulful friend that inspired these designs.  A friend that I actually had the pleasure of working with several years ago. She totally took me by surprise hearing her voice on the other end of the line, and her bubbly hello delivered a much needed dose of joy my soul desperately needed. I’m talking impeccable timing.

Ever have those moments of being caught off guard again that God sees you and still cares? If you’ve experienced or know the depth of His love, then you know these questions are a complete waste of space, but as you ALSO know, the devil booms in the discouragement business and takes pride in delivering. 

So, back to my friend, she didn’t know that I needed a pick me up then, which made it that much better, because that’s just how God works, am I right?? He makes A WAY for His joy to be FELT, to be present, to light up our darkness, even when we feel like we’re defeated with life some days... when our very best efforts fizzle down fast, leaving our cup dry as a bone. 

To top it off, there’s multiple ways to get there no doubt. Times when I’ve been misunderstood; when I’ve misunderstood; when I wrestle with my own selfish flesh; when I feel like the more I aim to do more or be better, the harder I fall some days; when I feel like nothing I am doing is great or life giving…it’s just, ehhh. When I feel defeated.


The devil LOVES me in this place. I know it. What I don’t love is the satisfaction I give him in that moment of even giving his lies a second thought; but, truth be told, I can play the role of destructive head talk more than fine all on my own.  Clearly, this is one of my dark places. A place that‘s consistently recurring without an invite and has a hard time knowing when to leave. 

But, by the grace of God and without fail, I’m reminded of His Truth and innnn comes Light. 

That bright, warm, powerful light that casts itself into every hidden shadow once again, proving victory over the heavy, thick darkness. That Light that shows up through a "random verse of the day", a song on the radio, that unexpected phone call, or how about your own child imitating the love of Christ (yeah this one humbles me completely). 

That Light that 1 John refers to in chapter 1, verse 5 that says:

"This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all."  

This verse gives me such a visual. On my own, my light resembles maybe that of a SINGLE falling star in the dark night sky (heavy on “falling”); yet in Him, there is NO darkness. At all.  Please let that soak in. 

John‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭says,

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

‭‭Micah‬ ‭7:8‬ ‭

Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The LORD will be a light to me.”

‭‭‬It’s pretty simple when you think about it. Light brings life. Darkness brings death. 

I don’t know about you but if I’m not intentional to take captive my thoughts, to focus on what is pure, true , noble &  lovely (*see Philippians 4:8), then I inevitably discover myself being lured back to that dark, shady corner that wants to drown out the Light. Taking those thoughts captive is imperative. Even if it is 463 times a day.

casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬ 

Man you guys, this isn’t easy for me to do some days, but it’s the Truth that He not only offers, but instructs for my own good. If I will just trust and allow Him to be that Light and open my eyes to see, the way He’s trying to lead is so much better, more thought out, and produces so much more purpose than my best intentions. I’ve learned more and more about how this life is a continuous trek of valleys and mountain tops and my gosh...the view from those mountaintops when you can SEE out, when you can reflect, look back and observe where your Waymaker paved A WAY to bring you up out of that valley, out of the darkness, and into the Light and His magnificent, humbling presence. Then He reminds me, right there, I am not like anyone else in the world, I am made for His purpose, not my own. And when I feel like I’m too much or not enough, God reminds me of the truth that I am His thought-out, uniquely-made creation, as are every.single.one.of.you.

I realize this needs to be summed up but I can’t leave 2 Samuel out. It is a great reminder of what we are capable of when dealing with our enemies, be it our thoughts or satan’s other manipulative ways; in addition to the light we have in God. David was praising God for delivering him from his enemies in chapter 22, verses 29-31:

"For you are my lamp, O Lord; The LORD shall enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop; By my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield for all who trust in Him."

I keep coming back to God being our shield with zero intention of doing so honestly, but He keeps leading me there. And the security that brings in any kind of adversity, but especially in such a state of unknown right now, offers such strength to push on and such comfort and peace that it’s not in my control. Regardless of the fears or unknowns, heck, even the number of days I am given on this earth you guys, the fact is it only gets better from here! The following statement has been said multiple times, the first time hearing it from our pastor and it’s such a great perspective.

"If you are a believer and follower of Christ, life here on earth is the worst it will EVER be -but- if you are not a believer, life here on earth is the best it will EVER be." 

I don’t know about you but I’m holding out for more and am thankful for His promises, His miracles, His guiding light & His way! I realize in comparison to so many’s situations, especially right now, my problems are so minor, so I just want to say that for all who have lost loved ones from this pandemic, or who are struggling in other ways due to our current circumstances especially, I truly pray for God’s promises of hope and comfort to carry you through. Keep trekking. Don’t tire out of trying. He won’t leave us in the valley, all we have to do is seek Him and follow that path. He’s waiting to submerge us with His divine light on that beautiful mountaintop! It’s ours for the taking. The question is, will we take it?

Kristen McCain1 Comment